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Lawyer in Pennsylvania
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Was your social security disability application recently denied? Did you submit an appeal and received a second denial notice? While it may seem like the time to panic as you are relying on receiving these benefits to bring some sort of income into your household, rest assured, there is yet another attempt that can be made, and that is by having your case taken before a disability judge.
Whether your initial application was turned away or you are struggling as you are now faced with the burden of having to go before a judge to present your case, hiring a social security disability attorney in Pennsylvania is a recommended route to take. Not only are they able to provide you with their advice, but they are well aware of the current laws, rules, and regulations set forth by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Although you may be struggling with another situation involving your social security disability benefits, we want you to know that legal aid is available, and they can assist you with any of the following:
The fact is, a disability lawyer is highly experienced and well-versed in the field, which is exactly who you want serving as your legal voice throughout the entire process.
We understand the hardship you have been faced with as your illness, impairment, or disability is terminal or has left you debilitated and unable to carry on the way you once could which is why we have made the process of choosing who you want to represent you a bit easier.
If you are looking to hire a reputable, reliable, and compassionate social security disability attorney, our site has been designed with you in mind. As you browse the lawyers located on our site, you’ll see just how successful they have been as they provided legal representation for many clients in the past. You can also learn a little bit more about the law firm itself, background on its professionals, and the mission statement they hold in accordance with the way they assist citizens just like you.
Your time to obtain legal aid from a social security disability lawyer in Pennsylvania is now.
If you are attempting to file for a reconsideration appeal, you must do so within the 60-day timeframe the SSA has set forth. And in the event you have a court date set to present your case in front of a disability judge, we want to help you find a social security attorney nearby to you that is more than willingly to provide their services.
Reach out to us today and see how we can assist you.
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