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If you are struggling with a physical or mental impairment and your previous income has ceased as you can no longer work, there are options available to you to help get you the funds you need. Social security disability is one form of income that many struggling with a disability turn to in order to gain some sort of financial support as employment is out of the question. But where is one to turn when the Social Security Administration turns away your application and identifies your claim as “denied?”
Seeking legal advice and even representation is highly encouraged as the process of filing for a reconsideration appeal could become a bit complex. Not only are you limited to getting your claim submitted for re-consideration within 60 days from the date you were denied, but now you are responsible for trying to provide further evidence as to why you deserve the benefits you are in dire need of.
A social security disability attorney is your best bet in this particular situation as they deal with these sort of claims on a daily basis. Not only is it important to obtain legal aid immediately following the acknowledgement of your denial notice, but choosing the right one is absolutely necessary. The good news is, you have managed to come to the most reliable and resourceful site available. allows you to gain access to some of the most reputable and acclaimed social security law firms located across the state of Oregon. We provide all the information you may need right at your fingertips.
Through our site you can learn about the background of the many lawyers providing their services in the field of social security disability, the successful verdicts they have reached, and the mission statements they hold regarding their practice. In the event you wish to learn more or have a particular question regarding your own current situation, you can give us a call directly, or simply fill out our convenient contact form where one of our representatives will contact you in a timely manner.
Whether you are looking for advice, guidance, or to hire legal support for your case, is ready to help you. It is important you take the necessary steps in order to gain the assistance you require.
If your situation has reached a desperate point where you are unable to cover the costs for your home mortgage, a disability legal representative can request an “on-the-record” decision where you could possibly obtain your benefits sooner, and without having to go in front of a judge.
Don’t allow your fear of being denied or the anxiety you are experiencing interfere with your ability to gain this financial support. Whether your disability is terminal or you are struggling with a serious condition, we understand how difficult things may already be. We are here to help, and urge you to give us a call today.
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