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Lawyer in Georgia
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Have you been faced with the unfortunate circumstance of having your disability claim denied? While many citizens have put their time and funds into working for an employer that met government guidelines pertaining to one receiving social security benefits, it often takes you by surprise when you learn that even though you are disabled and unable to work, your claim has been turned away. Although you may have feelings of anxiety and uneasiness, wants to place that to rest as we hold the key to providing you with access to the top of the line social security disability lawyers all around the state of Georgia.
It is important for you to be aware that although your claim was initially denied, a reconsideration appeal can in fact be filed, and you could be well on your way to obtaining the benefits that may help get you out of this rut in a much quicker timeframe with the aid of a disability lawyer. Not only that, but you may be required to answer questions provided by a medical examiner. With the advice your social security disability lawyer can give you, you will be well-versed on how to support your claim.
We know this time may be a difficult one which is why we are here to help.
Are you unsure on how to go about choosing which social security disability law firm you want representing your case? Well, you can start by learning about their background and who they are. It can also help to become aware of the success stories they hold as well as the verdicts that have reached a favorable outcome. And while that could take much time and research, we have provided the information for you right at the click of a button. All you need to do is browse through the featured attorneys right here on our site.
While most lawyers require a fee up front or charge a hefty percentage of your earnings from your case, a social security disability lawyer is only permitted to take 25% of compensation paid for back pay, or limited to receiving $6000. Only few cases allow a disability attorney to take more, therefore, you can release the worry of fees associated with hiring a legal representative.
Contacting us is simple. We give you the option of filing out a contact form where one of our agents will get in touch with you, or you can call us directly. The choice is yours.
Now that you aware of the benefits associated with obtaining legal aid from a reputable disability attorney in Georgia, it is time to take action. The quicker you retain legal assistance from a lawyer, the better chance you have of getting your appeal sent in and your funds to be released to you. Don’t wait another day. Give us a call today in order for us to further discuss how we can assist you and the type of represention you may be in need of.
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